Over the last few week a few people have asked me could I find anything out in regards to 1 – 4 Church Lane – The old CAPs factory which has been derelict for many years. I checked the land registry but the purchase has still not been registered. It is a legal requirement to register the title deeds with the Land Registry within 6 months of the purchase, although it can take up to 9 months to appear online.
The sale was agreed in late July and there was a guide price of €1.5 million euro according to the Business Post. The full details of the purchasing company should be available on lanedirect.ie no later than April.
During the week I had a chance encounter with a well-informed friend and they advise me that the site has been purchased by a developer and they will be lodging a planning application for apartment blocks, ranging from 3 storeys to 6 storeys.
While the existing building is an eye sore, a modest block of apartments may be an improvement, it is most likely it will be high density and build to let. A major opportunity has been missed by Dublin City Council to provide step down housing for those who live locally and want to downsize. There could have been a mixed use development with a possibility to enhance Santry Village.
For a 1 bed apartment in the Swiss Cottage you can expect to pay €2000 per month, or for a €2,225 p/m for a 2 bed. If you wish to rent in the Swiss Cottage, you must join the waiting list. In almost every other county in Ireland, the local needs rules apply, and local authorities will not grant planning permission to people from outside the area to build on land. I understand there is a need to preserve rural town and villages, but there also needs to be a balanced approach.
How can we have local needs clause in every other local authority but when it comes to any parcel of land in Dublin, there is no clauses and no measures in place to ensure that young people living locally are given a chance to own a home or start a family?

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